Labradoodle Puppy Training Program
Here at Mountain Creek we believe that early training and socialization is key to a happy relationship with your new Labradoodle. They are known for their outstanding intelligence, great personalities and eagerness to learn. They love to learn new things and are a lot of fun to train.
We have had great success with our training and socialization programs. We've had over 150 puppies go through our training program! As the breeder, we have an established relationship with the puppies and this really aids in the process.
CLICK HERE to check out our amazing training facility!
To make any dog training program successful, the owner must commit to follow through for the rest of the dog’s life. This means, after being briefed on what the puppy has learned in our program and how to implement it, it is up to the owner to maintain those behaviors consistently in everyday life to maintain all the work done in their puppy’s training program.

Potty & Crate Training Boot Camp
Duration: Three Weeks
Age puppy will be at pick up: About 11 weeks old
Cost: $1500.00
This program is a great start for all puppies. Proper potty habits are established early in a puppy's life. The sooner GOOD habits are established the better. Puppies potty A LOT in the beginning. It can be a very overwhelming and time consuming task to bring home a new puppy that has had no prior potty training experience, and implement a potty schedule that works within the puppy's needs but doesn't take over the whole day.
Our training program optimizes our ability to make the puppy our main focus. This allows us to anticipate the puppy's need to potty, take the puppy out as often as needed and prevent accidents from occurring. The fewer accidents a puppy has, the faster they learn.
Our potty training and crate training boot camp gets your puppy started on a training schedule for eating, playing, crate training, as well as a potty training schedule that includes frequent potty breaks. Our goal is prevention and being proactive. The more your puppy potties outside and the fewer accidents that occur, the quicker the puppy learns that pottying is for outside.
Week 1: Puppies in the training program are given scheduled play times with our trainers and fellow training mates where they are introduced to using the doggie door for pottying outside. They will have unlimited access to the doggie door so that they can work on all of their pottying being outside. In the training area, they are also given access to a crate, so that they may begin to get familiar with it, go in on their own and most importantly feel comfortable with it.
Week 2: Half of this week of potty and crate training boot camp, we continue to utilize a doggy door to ensure the puppy has unlimited access to outside. This allows the puppy to do all their pottying outside and reinforces the idea that pottying is for outside only. Puppies will also start crate training. They will have several scheduled crate times each day. We start out with 30 minute crate times, so that crate time is not overwhelming to them. The second half of the week, we begin taking potty breaks and closing the doggie door.
Week 3: Puppies will continue with potty breaks and learn to "hold it" in between breaks. We start with 35-45 minute intervals for potty breaks. The reason for such frequent potty breaks is PREVENTION! The more the puppy potties outside, the more the puppy will understand that pottying is for outside and continue to do it. The time between potty breaks increases as puppy shows reliability. Puppies are taught to go out the same door to the same "potty spot" which helps puppies understand what the "potty break" is all about. They will continue to have several scheduled crate times each day. Crate times will be increased to an hour in duration. They will be well on their way to being past the “crying it out” phase that occurs with crate training and will be more reliable with “holding it” when in their crate.
Graduation Day and Beyond: Puppies will have a lot of potty training under their belts. They will be very sure of themselves and their potty training skills and will be ready to transfer those skills to their new home! Puppies will be very reliable with understanding that pottying is for outside, which is a huge head start for them as well as their family! Families should plan to continue a potty schedule for continued success. Practice crate times should be continued. Some form of space restriction (a puppy playpen, restricting puppy to one room at a time etc) for the first few days - week is encouraged as well.
In addition to the training, the puppies will be kept up to date on their vaccinations and de-worming, and fed a high quality puppy food at no additional cost. We will start your puppy on flea and tick treatments at eight weeks of age.
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